
A powerful feature that sets StartSafe apart from the competition is the capability to create Assets. You can create an Asset from almost anything; a company van, a factory line, a coffee machine, even a member of staff! This is the item you want to monitor, check and report on.

Using our template builder, you can create a simple or complex series of questions, confirmations or verifications that can be applied to your asset. These are bespoke to you and your business and can be managed by you or by us if you prefer.

The cloud-based dashboard is the brain of the system and can be accessed from anywhere. All features can be opened and modified whether this is creating new assets, templates or even view reports. You can set permissions to minimise and control who has access to this area.

Create a simple Action to be automatically notified when an issue has been recorded enabling quick resolutions to take place before your business is affected.

Set Reminders to send users an automatic notification to complete their inspection on time. This can either be on certain days and times during the week or even further into the future –whatever you need. An alert can be logged when inspections are not completed on time, keeping you compliant and ensuring nothing is missed.

Limit access or give high level reporting controls – you decide who can see assets or reports and what each user can do. Create a pyramid of user access to suit your business structure and reporting lines.

When the template has been published, your assigned App users can identify the asset by entering the identity or by QR code. The users then work through the checks required. Because the template can be bespoke to the asset, there is minimal wasted time and no room for misinterpretation.

We understand that each business is unique so your dashboard is unique to you – choose widgets to display graphs and information you choose to see. Here you can create specific reports or rerun set reports that provide the data you require at your fingertips. The export feature allows you to share graphs, information and reports with minimal data manipulation to those that require it.
Want to learn more?
Contact us for a free demonstration of our system and we can explain how StartSafe can help your company implement a transparent, auditable and time saving health and safety that your staff will enjoy.